
7000 E Shea Blvd, #1010
Scottsdale, Arizona
480.991.6887 | tel
602.926.2754 | fax
Click here for a map!
(Located just west of Scottsdale Rd. on the north of Shea. In
the Scottsdale Prominade center where Claim Jumpers, Eli's, Reve' Jewelers
andthe Signature Hair Salons are located. Formerly Marie When In Naples)
The Soiree Special Guests this week
are Brad Zinn, Entertainer
and creator of "The Great Comedians;
Those Felt Hat and Big Cigar Funny
Men, A One Man Show," and Rick
Miller, Founder of Kids At Hope.

Brad Zinn
To contact Brad:

Joining us at this week's Soiree is master entertainer and
impersonator Mr. Brad Zinn to promote his next performance
to be held at the Herberger Theatre this April 28. Brad's
show is rated G for great and G for bring the whole family!
Brad and his wife Brenda are special friends of the Soiree.
This is their second appearance and it's a pleasure to have
them back. They are also celebrating their 30th year in
show business. Please join us at this week's Soiree to help
them celebrate!
Brad's bio is long and accomplished. I encourage you
to take read of it at www.greatcomedians.net/Bio3.html
Brad's next performance will be...
April 28, 2005 - 7:00 p.m., Herberger Theatre, Phoenix, AZ
Fundraiser for Rotary Club 100 of Phoenix, to benefit Kids
At Hope. A full evening variety show featuring "The Great
Comedians," Jerry Layne & Co. - ventriloquist, Doggies
of the Wild West, the Imation Dancers, and the Steve Gold
This show will celebrate Rotary International's 100th Anniversary,
and Brad & Brenda Zinn's 30th Anniversary in show business!
Tickets are $30, $40, $50, $100. Plan NOW to attend, as
this WILL sell-out! Tickets are available now at Herberger
Box Office 602-252-8497 or www.Ticketmaster.com
Imagine having all these legendary performers together
on stage at the same time: George Burns . . W. C. Fields
. . . Jack Benny . . . Will Rogers . . . Groucho Marx . . .
Jimmy Durante . . . Johnny Carson . . . Fred Allen . . .
Ed Sullivan . . . Red Skelton... and more.
That's what "The Great Comedians" is about; the all-time
greatest vaudeville show brought to you by impersonator
and comedian Brad Zinn!

Brad Zinn's "The Great Comedians" is a heartfelt salute
to his childhood heroes that includes plenty of comedy,
music, juggling, magic, rope spinning, audience participation,
and extended impersonations of George Burns, Jack Benny,
Johnny Carson, and Will Rogers. Brad's impressions also
include Groucho Marx, Jimmy Durante, George Jessel,
Fred Allen, Jimmy Stewart, and Red Skelton, and more!
The April 28, 2005 Herberger performance is sponsored
by Phoenix Rotary Club 100 to benefit Kids At Hope and
Rotary Charities. Also joining us will be Rick Miller,
Founder of Kids At Hope and Rotary Club 100 member.

To contact Rick:

Rick Miller has spent 38 years educating, advocating,
leading and supporting the futures of all children including
a 30 year career with Boys & Girls Clubs of America.
In 1981 Rick served in The White House as a loaned
executive in support of the President's Task Force on
Private Sector Initiatives.
In 1998 Rick was appointed Arizona State University's
first Practitioner in Residence serving the Center for
Leadership and Non Profit Management.
Rick continues to teach at Arizona State University West
in addition to serving as President and Founder of Kids
at Hope.
Rick has published a number of influential articles on
fund raising, organizational development and youth
services. Rick has also published two books. The first is
entitled, "From Youth at Risk to Kids at Hope". His
second book, "Kids at Hope: All Children Can Succeed,
No Exceptions", is co-authored by international best selling
author John Carlos, with foreword by Dr. Ken Blanchard
of the One Minute Manager fame
is with great pleasure that It is with great pleasure that Brad Zinn,
Entertainer and Creator of "The Great Comedians; Those
Felt Hat and Big Cigar Funny Men," and Rick Miller, Founder
of Kids At Hope will be my Special Guests this week.
Please plan on joining us to socialize and
meet new friends.