Let's Soirée
Soirée Time
6-9 PM
Baron Capital
Baron Benham
Chief Investment Advisor

Jim Paschal
Jim's  Phone 

Soirée Time 6-9 PM
Wednesday Nights

Contact  Info

You're Invited
to this weeks Soirée 
Wednesday, March 1, 2006
6pm - 9pm


7500 E. Doubletree Ranch Road
Scottsdale, Arizona, 85258-2044

Special Guest

Jim Paschal

The Soirees Special Guest this week is
Jim Paschal, Aerospace Engineer/Inventor/Innovator
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Jim Paschal

Aerospace Engineer-Inventor-Innovator

To contact Jim:

Phone 602-870-1540

Email: jpaschal11@cox.net


Hyperdynamics Aerospace Manufacturing

Revolutionary Coaxial Helicopter


Jim Paschal will be on hand to meet and greet you at this weeks Soiree and explain the benefits of his new Coaxial Helicopter design.*  Some of those benefits include: Improved Safety, Less Maintenance, Much Quieter, Much Improved Fuel Efficiency (sorry OPEC), Lower Purchase Cost, and Motorized Wheels for Limited Ground Movement (fly to your destination and park!).  There are many more technical advantages to Coaxial Helicopters that I'm sure Jim will be happy to talk endlessly about with those of you technically inclined.  As for me, as long as there is a pilot, room for two passengers and some bubbly aboard I'm ready for take off!

*FYI, Jim is seaking Angel or VC investment as well as business expertise to help him sell or license his technology.

Interesting Note:  Jim graduated number one in his class with a B.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Arizona State University in 1982, attaining a GPA of 4.0.

It is with great pleasure that Jim Paschal, Aerospace Engineer/Inventor/Innovator, will be my Special Guest.

Please plan on joining us to socialize and meet new friends.


7500 E. Doubletree Ranch Road
Scottsdale, Arizona, 85258-2044

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